About Me

Hi! My name is Caitlyn Witwicki. I grew up in Topsham, Maine but recently relocated to Eliot, Maine. I am currently in nursing school at Southern Maine Community College and will be graduating in May! I have worked as a medication aide for a little over a year, a nanny for 3 years, and a pediatric nursing assistant for about 9 months now. In my free time I like to garden, go to concerts, hang out with friends and family, and play with my bunny, Theo.

I have always been interested in the bond between a mother and child. How amazing is it that the human body can create life AND produce food for them to grow. We are equipped with all the tools necessary for this process but sometimes we may need a little support and encouragement. I plan to hold your hand through all the ups and downs of the postpartum period, promote physical and emotional healing, and allow you to treasure this transition into parenthood.

My goal is to constantly grow and evolve as a Postpartum Doula, and eventually add the title of RN to my name to better assist my families! I hope I am able to help as many new families as I can and I look forward to hearing from you!
