
Postpartum Support

My first priority as a postpartum doula is the birth giver and their physical and emotional healing. The first things I will ask you when I arrive are “How are you doing?” and “What can I do to support you today?” You may need some rest, a shower, a home cooked meal, or someone to just take over. I can support you in many ways. If what you need, I am not able to do, I will provide you with the resources for whatever it is!

Feeding Support

Are you experiencing low milk supply? Plugged ducts? Sore nipples? Engorgement? Or just need help getting a routine down. Let me show you a few tips and tricks!

Overnight Care

Sleep patterns for a newborn are constantly changing and can be unpredictable. As a result, your sleep schedule is all out of whack. As much as we like to think we can do it all, after getting a few hours of sleep here and there, it’t not good for us. Allow me to care for your infant while you get a full nights rest. You may even wake up to dishes put away, laundry folded, and lactation cookies fresh out of the oven!